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The Transformers Mod

During a space battle with the evil decepticons your ship has to suddenly make a crash landing. No planets better than Earth right? The shuttle skids to a halt in the side of a mountain. Everyone in your shuttle is given a new body. So you transform your new body into your new vehicle mode and you roll out onto the battlefield of the Transformers Mod.

.:: Latest News ::.

Submitted by: BumbleBee - 10/26/2007 6:26:37 AM

Transformers Mod Open Beta Test V2.003b

Greetings Transformers Mod fans! I am pleased to release version 2.003b for an open beta test. We appreciate constructive feedback, so if you would like to help by reporting an issue you can do so here.

The download is compressed in a .zip file. To install the mod just extract the file to your mod directory. This is a full client version, so be sure to uninstall any prior versions first.

If you would like to test the mod online, you can join us on our official Transformers mod “Nerves Of Steel” game server. For more information regarding the NOS server visit the NOS website. Enjoy!

Transformers Version 2.003b Full Client Mirrors
FileFront 272MB
FilePlanet 272MB 272MB

For those who haven’t seen the trailer for version 2.003b you can view it on YouTube here.

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Submitted by: BumbleBee - 10/24/2007 11:29:48 AM

Transformers Mod Open Beta

Hello Transformers Mod fans! If you have recently tried to connect to our server with no avail, it’s because we are planning to hold an Open Beta test for version 2.003 this Friday (10/26/07) and Saturday (10/27/07). Of course we gladly invite everyone to attend, so tell your friends! This version of the mod includes 4 new maps and several new models, vehicles, and more.

- Autobot City on Earth: Based on the earth battle in "Transformers The Movie"
- Channels: Be sure your flight stick is calibrated!
- Lithone: Based on the first planet Unicron devoured.
- Titan: A space battle near Saturn’s moon Titan. Destroy the enemy ship to win.

New Vehicles include:
- Thunderbolt
- SF38a Defender
- SF38b Annihilator
- SF38c Decimator

Below is a little video I made to give you a small taste of what is in the build. Expect to see an update on our website this Friday with the download and server information. The server information will also be listed on the Nerves Of Steel website which is the home page for our official Transformers Mod game server. Just as a little tip, those who currently have version 2.0 will most likely have access to the build earliest via the Mod Launcher’s update feature.

Enjoy the video and I hope to see you all on the server Friday and Saturday!

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Submitted by: BumbleBee - 7/27/2007 6:47:02 AM

Friday Night Bash

Hello Transformers Mod fans. After viewing that awesome live action Transformers movie we in the mood for a Friday Night Bash on Slayer's Playground server. The server info is as follows.

Transformers Mod Version 2.0
Server Name: Slayers Playground
Date: Friday 7/26/2007
Time: Aprox 5pm Eastern
Server IP Address: (connect by IP)
Port Number: 14567
Game Mode: Coop (May switch to CTF if enough peeps show up)

So show up and be ready to wage war online! For more information on this view the forum topic here

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Submitted by: BumbleBee - 6/22/2007 8:48:15 AM

Transformers Mod Version 2.0 Released!!!

That’s right! Today is the big day! We are releasing a both a Windows and Mac version. This release is a full client so be sure to uninstall any older versions of the mod. I’ve set up a forum topic for people to post their server/teamspeak information if they plan to host our mod on their game server.


Thanks to Red Baron Web Design for the Mod Launcher! That program was a little miracle for distributing the mod to our testers. Now anytime we release new versions, maps, videos, etc you will be able to access those files directly through the Mod Launcher. Just double click the StartMod file in the Transformers mod folder and then click the Updates button (Windows version only).

We’d like to say thanks to everyone that’s helped us including mirrors, game servers, news coverage, modding help, and especially the kind words of support. We’ve enjoyed building and testing this mod and we are confident you will enjoy playing it. We hope to see you on a server somewhere; however, thanks to Dnamro if you can’t make it onto a server you can play offline in Single Player. Either way you choose, enjoy the mod!

Windows Version:
TFModV2.0FullClient.exe (227 mb) (FileFront mirror)

Mac Version: (249 mb) (FileFront mirror)

Server Files:
Transformer_server_files_v2.rar (41.7 mb) (FileFront mirror)

For a full list of mirror downloads visit our downloads page:

If you have any questions about the mod feel free to search our knowledge base or you can contact us directly via our contact form .

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Submitted by: BumbleBee - 6/21/2007 8:59:09 AM

Server Files Released!

Hello Transformers mod fans! For those who will be hosting our mod on their servers we have released the server files a day early. You can download them here.


We also want to show off a few more maps that will be included in tomorrow’s release (6/22/07). In the first map to introduce is Olympus Station where the heroic Autobots and evil Decepticons duel to gain control of this space station. The second map displayed is The Sky is The Limit. This map has a very unique and exciting game play unlike any other. The melee battle consists of various levels of narrow ramps connecting extremely tall buildings. Watch your step, because if you fall you will die; however, don’t take your eye off the enemies in front, below, or above you. The next map you see is Uncharted Waters. This is a naval battle where the Decepticons are attempting to steel precious oil from an ocean drilling site and it’s up to the Autobots to stop them. The last map is Valley of Death. After battling the Decepticons in space, the Autobots make a crash landing in a mountain range on earth. The Decepticons will not stop until all of the Autobots are eradicated; however, the Autobots are not ready to give up the fight.

The mod consist of many more maps including Sword maps and Unlimited maps. Sword maps is pretty self explanatory. Every player class has a sword and that’s it. Unlimited maps have special features such as everyone having low gravity kits. You’ll enjoy the pleasure of shooting other robots out of the air while flying in robot mode.

If you stumble upon a Matrix Kit you can pick it up (‘g’ key default). By doing so it will turn you into a new transformer with different weapons, features, abilities, and/or transformations.

Speaking of transformations, the recharge times have been significantly reduced in version 2.0. Also, by fans request, all vehicles that shot bullets, now shoot lasers.

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Submitted by: BumbleBee - 6/17/2007 9:18:29 AM

A Few Maps and More

Today we would like to show off a few of the maps, and features that will be in version 2.0. Just as a reminder, our release will be this Friday 6/22/07.

The first map displayed is Arctic Assault which was created by Fri-1-day. The next two maps Cybertronian Invasion and Cyber War were created by BumbleBee. The last map featured here is Olympus Station which was created by BumbleBee and Dnamro. All of these maps feature bot support which was coded by Dnamro.

Energon is the lifeblood of Transformers. When your health or ammo is running low you will need to find an Energon Cube to recharge. Just be careful not to stand near the cube while enemies are around because Energon Cubes are very explosive. If an Energon Cube is not available, call for a Medic. The Medic class carries an Energon Cube in a protective case that protects it from lazers; however, once the Medic Cube is deployed it becomes unstable and can self destruct after a random interval.

Thanks to, our version 2.0 will offer a Mod Launcher. The Red Baron Mod Launcher offers a convenient way to go directly into the Transformers Mod, visit our website, access support, contact the dev team, preview exclusive content we are working on for version 3.0, and check for new versions of the mod. By clicking the Updates button, the Mod Launcher will determine whether you have the latest version of the mod. To learn more about the Mod Launcher we are using visit

I’d also like to remind anyone that would like to host our mod on their server to contact me via our website and we will post your server info on our website when we release.

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Submitted by: BumbleBee - 6/10/2007 12:47:47 AM

Transformers Mod Release Date Friday 06/22/2007

Hello Transformers mod fans! I have some great news for you today. We have set the release date of version 2.0 for Friday June 22, 2007. Until then we will be posting information about what to expect in version 2.0 on our website. Let’s begin.

First I’d like to introduce the Autobot Springer and Decepticon Hornet helicopters. These are slow moving powerful helicopters equipped with rapid fire lasers and powerful missiles.

There are countless new static objects in version 2.0. Just a few include the Autobot Arc and Decepticon Nemesis flag ships, the Space Cruiser, Ironhide, Ratchet, many buildings and more.

Many voice command issues were resolved in version 2.0. It has a complete set of voice commands thanks to Marko, and BumbleBee.

I would like to invite anyone with a dedicated game server willing to host our mod on it’s release date to contact me “BumbleBee” with your server information and I will post the information when we release.

I would also like to invite anyone willing to offer a download mirror for our mod to contact me. To contact me simply visit the contact page on our website

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Submitted by: BumbleBee - 6/3/2006 1:00:48 AM

We're Almost There

Hello Transformers Mod fans! We have some exciting news for you today. We have been working extremely hard on the mod and testing it even harder. You can expect us to announce a release date in our next update. Over the next couple weeks we plan to post many updates showcasing areas of our mod including new weapons, maps, vehicles, models and more.

First I'd like to mention the new physics of the mod. All the player classes can now jump higher than before; however, the medic class is still the only class that can fly in robot form. Another improvement that has lead to loads of fun during testing is the increased speed and acceleration of the vehicles.

Also, by the fans request we have added Autobot and Decepticon insignias to the Transformers vehicle modes. Here are a few screenies of the vehicles with the insignias to tie you over for now.

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Submitted by: BumbleBee - 4/1/2006 12:01:37 AM

Metroplex In-Game

Greetings Transformers mod fans! I know it’s been awhile; however, we have got some exciting mod news for you today. Blackermoon has diligently been coding Elektroscience’s Metroplex model and we are proud to say that it’s finally in game! All I can say is… stay out of it’s way! Click on the image to see the full size image.

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Submitted by: BumbleBee - 2/5/2006 11:54:23 PM

Testers Needed!

Hello Transformers Fans! We have a big update for you today! A couple months ago we acquired a new member on our team. Dnamro is a stand up guy and he has done to our mod what he does best. He has added advanced AI and bot support to all of the maps in our mod including our custom maps. Many of you may know Dnamro from his other projects like DC Extended and GC Extended. We are very proud to have him on our team.

We are getting close to a release. That means you’re going to be seeing many updates showing off our work, and we plan to start testing. We plan to do our online testing on Saturday mornings (US Eastern), so if you would like to help test our mod please email me at and tell me your:

In-Game Name/Alias:
Email Address:
Your Availability:
Why you would like to test for us, and anything else we should know:

The email subject should be "TFMod Testing Team". If you are selected you will be notified within a day or two.

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